What would happen if we relied on artificial intelligence to compose music and lyrics?
Until now, writing lyrics for a piece of music has always been the prerogative of mankind. A text contains a story, a suggestion, many different images, it can be based on faded childhood memories, personal feelings, criticism against injustice and inequality, and can also be a hymn or a manifesto of redemption for entire communities of people.
But what if the writer was not a human being? What if a virtual entity could sign a musical work? Would it transmit the same empathy, would it be able to communicate the same nuances and stimulate the same emotions?
With the workshop Mogol 2.0 we want to demonstrate that even a computer can engage in a task that is so artistic by nature. We’ll try to set up the prerequisites by which artificial intelligence can generate ready-to-use lyrics (and music). And who knows, maybe the result will compete with any music label or publishing house and create an unprecedented shift in the history of music.
During the workshop we will discover and learn to use various tools and resources for generate lyrics and music through artificial intelligence, supported by experts Federico Germinario (Data Science and Machine Learning) and Riccardo Sarti (App & Software development). The event will end with a performance by Eugenio Cesaro and Emanuele Via, in which we will listen to the final result of the experiments.