By Graphic Days®

Angelica Gerosa: The Practice of Combining

When paper stops being the mere support base of brushstrokes to itself become an expressive sign, illustrations turn into geometric compositions or pop up as three-dimensional subjects giving life to colourful animals and playful faces: meet the fascinating world of Angelica Gerosa, Italian illustrator and paper designer with a strongly passion for combining colours and shapes and a special attention to the relationship between full and empty spaces. Inspired by the artists of Bauhaus (especially Kandinsky), Matisse, Italian Futurism, Picasso, folk culture and ancient cultures, and strongly drawing from Rauschenberg’s Combine-paintings, her creative process is centred on an analog, free and typically slow experimentation involving different materials and techniques. This exhibition aims at giving a sense of her mastery in paper processing, applied to a never ending and patient quest for a balance in multi-material compositions. Through expanses of kaleidoscopic collages, admire her “hunting trophies of imagination”, the tribal-like masks and enjoy her colourful paper bestiary so as to discover what happens when paper is understood as a (multicolor) canvas to be not filled but folded, cut and modelled.

The participation to the workshop is free. The entrance to Cavallerizza requires a ticket of 8 euros, free access to kids.

La partecipazione al workshop è gratuita. L’ingresso alla Cavallerizza richiede il pagamento del biglietto di ingresso di 8 euro, gratuito per i bambini.

opening 23 September 6.00-11.00 pm
Monday-Friday 4.00-8.00 pm
Saturday-Sunday 10.00 am-8.00 pm
1st October 10.00am-11.00 pm



23 September-2 October

Cavallerizza Reale
Via Verdi 9

By Graphic Days®

23 September-2 October


Cavallerizza Reale
Via Verdi 9

By Plug

17-18 September


Docks Dora
Via Valprato 68