As part of Graphic Days® 2022, XKé? ZeroTredici presents a series of laboratories at its operating sites on the theme of biomimesis, crossing and embracing, in this way, the age groups from Zero to Thirteen years.
Spazio zerosei will appeal to families with children from zero to six years.
Xkè? Il Laboratorio della Curiosità will involve children and young people from 6 to 13 years, with the aim of renewing their curiosity towards nature and nurturing their creativity.
Some shells and succulents follow the same, hypnotic, spiral growth. Flowers, snowflakes and starfish are extraordinary examples of radial symmetry. Trees and leaf ribs grow by branching. The movement of the serpents and the bed of the rivers are united by the same, elegant, sinuous course. Nature seems to speak to us through a series of recurring forms and structures. But why do plants and animals tend to evolve according to the same patterns? And why does our gaze find them so naturally beautiful and harmonious? And above all, how much do Design, Architecture and Art owe to the creativity of Mother Nature?