Why resole a shoe instead of throwing it away? Brief introduction on the processing phases in resoling, the materials used and the differences both technical and processing between a city shoe, a climbing shoe and a sports shoe for the outdoors. During the workshop of about 2h it will be demonstrated how through resoling you can regenerate, repair, recover shoes of all kinds and give them new life. A work, that of resoling, which highlights the importance of environmental issues. Repairing a product instead of throwing it away and buying a new one, in addition to being a saving for the customer, is also a way to avoid tons of waste that would otherwise have to be created every year.
During the workshop participants will understand that, through our work and the various techniques we use, the resoled shoe will maintain the same technical qualities that it had when new or even, depending on material and type of processing, even better.
Edoardo Bocchio Vega
Guglielmo Santoro
Sara Gardoncini