Around the world: Beyond Words

In the age of inclusion and diversity, visual design plays a crucial role in shaping a fair and accessible world. Type design, in particular, communicates messages of inclusivity and acceptance through the words we choose and how we present them. This exhibition invites us to reflect on how typographic design can be a powerful tool to promote inclusion and address the challenges of the future.
The study of characters goes beyond simply choosing readable or accessible glyphs, considering cultural identity, linguistic diversity, and user needs, thus reflecting the complexity of our global society. Inclusive type design is a valuable resource for building a fairer and more respectful world. Through its power to communicate and bring people together through words, it offers the opportunity to celebrate diversity and create a more inclusive future for all.

On display: Beatrice Caciotti, Zetafonts, Tristan Bartolini, Adam Naccarato, Tres Seal (Vocal Type), Nothing comic about dyslexia, Kyiv Type Foundry, Ariel Brandolini.


By Graphic Days®

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May 16 — May 26

By Graphic Days®