Studio Hik

Studio Hik is a graphic design studio based in Seoul and Hong Kong, founded by Heesun Seo in 2014. The studio specializes in design within the field of art and culture, and has worked with numerous art museums, galleries, institutions and artists around the world.

Design practice
Their approach is based on formal associations that open a unique poetic vein. Layered images emerge in which the fragility and instability of seemingly certain reality are called into question. They strive to develop forms that do not follow logical criteria, but are based on subjective associations and interpretations, prompting viewers to create new personal meanings. Their works do not reference recognizable forms, and the results are often deconstructed until the meaning shifts and possible interpretations become multifaceted. The foundation of their projects stems from the exploration of the invisible and intangible, and the translation of conceptual ideas into visuals is crucial to summarize their practice.