Things from the past, people from the future

In the flow of time, humanity is destined to radically transform its relationship with the objects it has created. In an indefinite future, we will face the challenge of interpreting and attributing meanings to artifacts from the past that may have become indecipherable in the context of our evolution. ‘Things from the past, people from the future’ invites the audience to reflect on this visionary perspective, exploring through images and portraits the intersection between memory and future: we are invited to imagine a world where human knowledge transforms, myths reinvent themselves, and superstition finds new forms of expression within the remnants of past eras. The exhibition aims to open windows to this hypothesis of the future, offering a glimpse into how humanity might approach residual objects, witnesses of our present and potential archives of lost stories.

Will be present:
Carlo Mosssetti



Friday, May 24
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

By Buccia Studio

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