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A month of initiatives dedicated to visual design leading up to the third edition of the festival Graphic Days®

In the city 2018

11 September - 9 October 2018

Visual Design

A calendar of free admission exhibitions, performances, workshops and talks spread in different locations of the city through collaboration with institutions, commercial activities and the protagonists of the artistic-cultural landscape of the territory. A month of initiatives leading up to the third edition of the Graphic Days® festival. Go to the complete program


515 Creative Shop / Archivio tipografico / Associazione Azimut / Bellissimo Studio / Born in Berlin / Bottega Baretti / Caracol Art Gallery / Casa delle lampadine / Comodo64 / Curve Studio / Eggers 2.0 / Feel Desain / Fightbean Studio / Fuori dal Funnel / Galleria Umbero I / Giusti eventi / IAAD / IED Torino / IKIGAI / Illo Studio / Imperfect Comunicazione / Io ADV / Isole Sudio / Laboratorio Zanzara / Lamatilde / Luisa&Franchino / Nerodiseppia / Ossi di Peppia / Panama / Pangramma / Pepe Fotografia / Quattrolinee / Roundabout / Scuola Internazionale di Comics / Silvio Zamorani Editore / Tre galli / Undesign / Wild Mazzini

I numeri del 2018

24 exhibitions

5 talks

8 performances

1 workshops

40 designers