A communication campaign created for Torino Urban Lab to inform and raise awareness about the NBS measures adopted in the city.
Più alberi, meno gelati sciolti
In 2024, Graphic Days® created a communication campaign and some social design actions for Torino Urban Lab as part of the Conexus project with the aim of correctly informing and raising awareness among the population about the environmental sustainability measures undertaken in the city.
The activities focused on the Borgo Valdocco district, where the City experimented with the implementation of some nature-based solutions (NBS) to address climate change in Turin.
Communication campaign
The storytelling was defined starting from the identification of 7 critical issues and the solutions adopted to address them: each of these concepts was translated into a slogan, becoming easily accessible, through an engaging, ironic and informal tone of voice:
More trees, less melted ice cream
Less smog, more scent of flowers
Less puddles on the road, more earthworms
Less asphalt, more butterflies
Less roadway, more people holding hands
Less smelly poop, more happy children
More noses on the streets, more children crossing safely
Communication tools
La strategia di comunicazione, finalizzata al coinvolgimento dei cittadini e delle cittadine in un’esperienza immersiva, offriva informazioni chiare e basate sui dati e stimolava la curiosità e l’interazione. Si è sviluppata su più canali, attraverso l’affissione di manifesti per strada e locandine nei negozi, la distribuzione di un flyer informativo nelle buche delle lettere e una campagna sui canali social di Urban Lab e Graphic Days®.
The communication strategy, aimed at engaging citizens in an immersive experience, offered clear, data-driven information and stimulated curiosity and interaction. It was developed across multiple channels, through street posters and flyers in stores, the distribution of an informational flyer through letterboxes, and a campaign on the social channels of Urban Lab and Graphic Days®.
The kit for urban explorations
The communication actions were accompanied by a program of laboratory activities in the neighborhood schools, managed by teachers starting from a kit designed by Graphic Days® to guide the urban exploration of the classes. The kit is a tool that helps boys and girls in observing and annotating the NBS solutions adopted and then translating them through stencils and crayons into a creative work that reconstructs the map of the neighborhood.
On June 4, some schools involved in the laboratory activities took part in a guerrilla action within the neighborhood aimed at highlighting the transformations implemented. Through stencils, washable paints and poles, the NBS solutions were reported to the public of citizens who lived in the neighborhood.
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