Graphic Days is an international festival dedicated entirely to visual design. A program full of workshops and conferences with national and international guests, an opportunity for the visitors to discover, discuss and experiment within all areas of visual communication, from concept to self-production.
The festival is an irreverent showcase of both renowned icons and less conventional graphic design characters. It aims to capture the public attention with live performances and experimentation.
- The theme
What the heck is Graphic Design? What is the point?
The first edition of the festival aims to retrace the steps of graphic design by analyzing its icons through the lenses of irreverence and nonconformism. Information, seduction and involvement are the main themes we have chosen to rethink the paradigms and investigate the importance of visual communication.
- They talked about us:
La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, Torinosette, GRP
Ansa, Neon Moire, FrizziFrizzi, Artribune, Archiportale, Torino Oggi, TorinoToday, GuidaTorino e Il Nazionale.
Amongst the exhibitions “Framed” is dedicated to the short animated film of the same name, “Posterheroes 6 – Rights in Love” presents the results of the international social communication competition, “Ninety-nine” communicates through 99 posters the extraordinariness of the Italian illustration scene, “No Words Poster” presents the collection of posters selected by Armando Milani for the book of the same name, “Graphics for a concious citizenship” recalls the experience of Massimo Dolcini as the forerunner of public utility graphics, “Futureworld” comes from the section FN ( of the same name, edited by Pietro Grandi.
During the conferences, performances, DJ sets and workshops we hosted: Andrea Serio, Risomania/ Luca Bendandi, Elisa Seitzinger, Aiap / Cinzia Ferrara, Ascionemagro / Valentina Ascione, Risomania / Luca Bogoni, Leftloft / Francesco Cavalli, 108 / Guido Bisagni, Fernando Cobelo, Giorgio Camuffo, Isoì / Gaia Bernasconi, Luca Morganti, Michela Gasperini, 46xy / Mario Piazza, The Royal Studio / João & Ana, Milan Design / Armando Milani, Leonardo Sonnoli, Lo Siento / Borja Martinez, Alizarina / Silvia Sfligiotti, Trapped in Suburbia, Studio Mut / Thomas & Martin, Fondazione Gruppo Credito Valtellinese / Leo Guerra, Latte Creative / Mattia Anzaldi, Inchiostro Festival / Riccardo Guasco, Associazione Illustri / Francesco Poroli, Studio Fm Milano / Sergio Menichelli, Framed, Fabrica / Mariana Fernandes, Ff3300 / Alessandro Tartaglia, Associazione Illustri / Ale Giorgini.
A project by Print Club Torino, Plug, Tal, Quattrolinee
Staging: MG2 architetture
As part of Contemporary, Nesxt
With the support of Toolbox Coworking, Club to Club
Sustained by Compagnia di San Paolo, Camera di Commercio
Patronized by Città di Torino, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Regione Piemonte, Aiapi, Politecnico di Torino, Agi, Aiap
With the participation of Politecnico di Torino, Scuola Internazionale di Comics, Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, IED e IAAD
Technical sponsors: Favini, MCL, Stabilo, Coccoina, Fabbrika, Villa Consulting, Promos Comunicazione, Font Lab, born in berlin

Four days of performances, exhibition itineraries, trade fairs and the DJ set Club to Club to convey to non-experts the multifaceted nature of an area in continuous transformation. The first visual design festival in Italy took place from 3rd to 6th November 2016.
I nostri numeri
4000 visitors
4 days
3 talks
5 workshops
7 exhibitions
25 guests

During the weekend, an exhibition dedicated to graphics, illustration and independant publishing completed the program: Ufocinque, Stamperia Busato, Quaderni Di Carattere, Print About Me, Officina Typo, Museo Carta Mele, Massimo Polello, Libri Finti Clandestini, Lahar Magazine, Illustratore Italiano, Bottega Fagnola, Else Edizioni, Werther Guerrilla Spam, Life-Inchiostro Festival Limited Edition, Archivio Tipografico, Friends Make Books, Inuit, Tuta.

Altri progetti